
LHSAA Executive Committee Members Map
September 5th, 2015| Written by: Editor



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Those who are Facebook friends of "Archivist LHSWA" may recall the image to the left from May 3rd.  At that time it was up to the viewers to guess what the little stars represented.

The stars indicate the locations (schools and parish representatives) of the 25 members of the LHSAA executive committee.  (Evidently seven members were not even at the meeting when the vote was taken.)
The green stars (two) represent a School Board Association member and a Superintendents Association member from parishes that do not have any schools with wrestling programs (Beauregard and Washington).
The blue squares (16) represent members affiliated with schools that do not have wrestling programs.*
The red squares (two) represent a member of the State Department of Education (Orleans Parish) and a member of the Louisiana High School Athletic Directors Association (St. Charles Parish).  Both of the parishes represented have wrestling programs in them.
The gold stars (five) represent schools that have wrestling programs (Airline, Brusly, Mandeville, Redemptorist and St. Thomas More).**

On Facebook Michael Andrews, may have summed it up the best - "Wow, south of Alexandria is the largest mass of state population, and most of the executive committee is above it.  Go figure."

The illustration can be interpreted in two ways: 1) only eight of the 25 executive committee members are associated with schools that have wrestling programs, or 2) the LHSAA executive committee represents as many Louisiana areas as possible, favoring neither population nor a particular sport.

* Actually, the number should be 15, as one member, a past LHSAA executive director, is from Ouachita Parish, which has a wrestling program.

** Actually, the member associated with Redemptorist High School is member of the Louisiana High School Coaches Association.

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