
Round 3 Candids (also known as the Daniel Croy page)
June 9th, 2016| Written by: Editor



[NOTE: Some Round 3 photographs may be found on the Sunday Cover page.]

The names of individuals known to the editor on this page are: Daniel Croy of the Crusader A squad.

Brother Martin should make fine use of Master Croy in the 2016-17 season.  An upcoming sophomore who placed second in three events last season (including the Trey Culotta) and won the Dale Ketelsen Memorial, Croy went 7-1 during the tournament at 106 lbs.  He recorded four 1st-period falls, one 3rd-period fall, a run-of-the-mill regular decision against Cambridge, GA, and a 21-7 win over the 2016 Division I third-place finisher Jeremiah Johnson of McKinley (wrestling for the Baton Rouge All Stars).  His one loss was in a Sudden Victory round against Nathan Rankin of the Best Trained squad that eventually won the event.

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