Tigers in contention after first day in Vegas |
December 16th, 2016| Written by: Editor |
The Holy Cross Tigers are in fourth place after the first day of the Las Vegas Holiday Classic Friday evening. The team from Poway, California, currently leads the event with 131 points, which is only 19 points ahead of the Tigers' 112.
Six Tigers made it to the quarterfinals to be held tomorrow morning: Jacob Spahn at 120 lbs., Cole Clement at 132 lbs., Jake Rando at 152 lbs., Joey Foret at 170 lbs., Michael Benton at 182 lbs. and Randy Amos at 285 lbs. Still competing in tomorrow's consolations rounds are Michael Lundin at 113 lbs., Jeffrey Argrave at 160 lbs. and Spencer Rayes at 195 lbs.
Rando had an interesting last match of the night. His opponent for the right to advance to the quarterfinals was disqualified after getting upset by Rando's double leg takedowns and his using "heavy hands" while building a 13-3 lead.
Of course, Rando's opponent may have had a right to be upset being that, according to TrackWrestling's Dashboard, he spotted Rando six points at the beginning of the match:
Finding nothing while scouring Facebook for photos, I can only add the following taken by a Dad:
The "Showstoppers" stage curtain | The view from his hotel room |
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