
Wrestling Rules and Continuing Education clinics to be held in the first week of October
September 30th, 2017| Contributed by: Paul Ulfers



Two Louisiana Wrestling Officials clinics will be held during the first week of October.  LHSAA Rules Clinics will be held on October 2nd and 3rd in Baton Rouge and Metairie (Greater New Orleans).  The  Louisiana Wrestling Officials 2017 Continuing Education Clinic will be held on October 7th in Lafayette.

LHSAA Rules Clinics ( Website):

Monday, October 2nd, in Baton Rouge at the LHSAA Multipurpose Room, at 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, October 3rd, in Metairie (Greater New Orleans) at the Grace King High School cafeteria at 7:00 p.m.

Head coaches are required to attend the LHSAA Rules Clinic in accordance with  LHSAA Wrestling rule 3.8.1:

"A head coach failing to attend the rules clinic shall not be allowed to coach an interscholastic contest until he/she completes the required clinic and shall be assessed a $50 late charge."

Louisiana Wrestling Officials 2017 Continuing Education Clinic (*.pdf file):

 Saturday, October 7th, at Teurlings Catholic High School, 139 Teurlings Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501.

Clinic registrations and a breakfast will be held between 8:00 a.m. and 8:59 a.m.  The clinic will start promptly at 9:00 a.m.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided, as is a requested fee of $20.

The clinic is expected to end between 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.

Please join us for our 4th Annual LA Wrestling Officials Clinic. Our 6-hour agenda will be packed with sessions on rules applications, proper mechanics, and handling tough calls and situations. It will include classroom sessions, video study, and on-the-mat work. Officials of all levels are strongly encouraged to attend. Those interested in becoming new officials are also welcome.

This year’s guest Clinician will be 2006 National Wrestling HOF inductee Rick Tucci, considered to be one of the most experienced officials in the country.

For more information please call or text Jerry Schmidt at (504) 813-9372 or Paul Ulfers at (504) 427-9122.  An RSVP to Jerry or Paul is requested.

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