Gabe Dalton tops celebrity-rich LSU graduation ceremony |
May 12th, 2018| Written by: Editor |
The 2018 Louisiana State University E. J. Ourso College of Business commencement ceremony was a star-studded affair, and the crème de la crème was none other than Gabe Dalton, the veritable "poster child" of the Louisiana Wrestling News. Held Friday at the Pete Maravich Assembly Center in Baton Rouge, the presences of a "Sons of the American Revolution," member, a "Daughters of the American Revolution" and just about every other war dating back to the Hellenic era, a "JEOPARDY!" champion and the nephew of the editor of the Louisiana Wrestling News were dwarfed by the omnipresence of the 12-year-old superstar.
Dalton's posse included his sister Chandler and their mother, Laurin Stampley Dalton |
Dalton's rise to fame started on January 28th, 2014, with his first appearance on the Louisiana Wrestling News Website's coverage of the 2014 Jacob McMillan Memorial wrestling tournament. Since then he has supported dozens of wrestling tournaments across Louisiana solely by his presence. He has risen to the coveted post of "State Championships Officials' Noodle Whacker," informing officials when time has run-out in a wrestling match period.
Gabe Dalton over the years on the Louisiana Wrestling News Website |
George and Cielle Clemenceau (distant relations of the renowned French Prime Minister Georges Clémenceau) mingled with primarily non-celebrity crowd to see their son Hunter receive a Bachelor of Sciences degree in finance. The graduate's grandmother, Ouida Rellstab, a retired teacher at St. Martin's Episcopal School in Metairie, was also in attendance.
Hunter is the youngest nephew of the editor of the Louisiana Wrestling News Website. His education, literally "capped" for now at this commencement ceremony, started in Katy, Texas and progressed through his father's BP-AMOCO postings in Mahdi, Egypt (outside of Cairo), Katy again, Baku, Azerbaijan and then back to Katy, where he graduated from Taylor High School.
Left to Right: Hunter Clemenceau receiving his diploma; with parents George (SAR) and Cielle (DAR etc.); with his mother and grandmother, Ouida Rellstab, who in 1989 won the JEOPARDY! Seniors Tournament (far right). |
Also taking part in the commencement ceremony was Connor Stampley, who was there to receive a Bachelor of Sciences degree in marketing, and to learn that threatening a 55-year-old former wrestler with a spladle has consequences. |
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