State update - Photographs work is done!
 June 26th, 2023| Written by: Staff writer

Last Updated:    06/26/2023

Or, for engineering majors, perhaps

The 2023 College World Series has added itself as one of many, many things that have prevented the LHSAA State Wrestling Championships article from being published.  But the really painful task of editing all of the photos and other items to be added to the webpages is over.  But, just as a "heads up," it will not be finished by Fargo, as I once intended.  Nor will I be going to Fargo, as I also once intended.  Three nights in New York City with my daughter to attend my nephew's wedding on July 22nd take precedence.

Everything "Yet to do" on the list below is pretty easy...even mind-numbing, save one.  Writing the webpages is last for a couple of reasons.  First, adding photos and then writing copy limits the number of webpages I can open at one time.  During the mind-numbing tasks, it is nice to have 14 page headings start shrinking down to none, as particular tasks associated with each division's weight classes are completed.  Even the thumbnail images use a lot of RAM, and the program tends to crash when too many pages are "open" at one time. 

Mainly, however, it is the part of the process that I like the best, and that, of course, is what keeps the subscription costs as low as they are.  I get to delve into matches and find interesting tidbits of information, and I will get to watch some videos.  It is late June and I have yet to see a Division II or Division III match on TrackWrestling.  And I could not keep up with the Reaux-Goodson match when I was watching it.  I think I know what transpired, but I am not positive.

Of course, what really is going to suck when I do publish the article is how many photographs I do not have.  But that is an issue with which to be dealt later.

OK - a new format for updates has been deemed necessary.  The red checkmarks are getting tedious.

All editing of photographs and images (2,495)
Records compilations for D1 & D2 1st-6th placers
Webpages boilerplates
Yet to do
D3 records compilations
Captions for photo boxes on webpages (42)
Insert podium photographs
Write weight class pages webpages
Write Division summaries and cover page
Add photos to webpages


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